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North Meck HOSA Newsletter

Second Annual North Meck HOSA Blood Drive

Save the date: Wednesday, August 8th is North Meck HOSA's second annual blood drive!!!

Last August was the first blood drive that HOSA sponsored, and while there were twists and turns with such, we were still able to donate 31 pints as a community. This year, North Meck HOSA wants to go bigger and better. We are hoping to reach our goal of 45 pints, and be able to reach more people out around us, both high schoolers as well as family and adults.

Why a blood drive, you may ask?! For starters, donating blood gives a person access to saving several lives, whether that is for surgeries, an essential elemental supplement such as iron, or for infections or burns. There is not a more direct way to be helping people in need all around us.

Secondly, hosting a blood drive gives us a chance to be entered in the HOSA scholarship, where the top three clubs that receive the most pints receives $1,000 for the club at their school. With these extra funds, HOSA would be able to host more comprehensive service events, develop scholarship money for interested students who cannot afford the membership dues, and become a more influential club.

If you are a HOSA member and would like to volunteer on August 8th (although you are more than welcome to donate!), contact our President, Nishitha Karumuri. We will need people around the school making sure donors know where to go, and nonetheless, another smiling face will do nothing but make our blood drive more enjoyable for all of the parties.

If you are interested in recruiting donors, whether you are a HOSA member or just a member of the community, we would love to have your help. Here is a brief introduction paragraph that you could copy and paste to put virtually anywhere, along with a graphic with all the need-to-know details!!

"HOSA is a community-service and competition-based club in which high school students can explore interests in the healthcare professions. With a wide range of focuses, events, and community services, HOSA seeks to provide knowledge, help, and care for their peers and the community. Hosting a blood drive is just another way that North Meck’s HOSA members want to contribute to the better welfare of those in need in our community, and YOU can help. Support North Meck’s HOSA as well as those around us by joining our blood drive August 8th, from 11am-4pm. You can sign up online using this link:, however, walk-ins are also welcome. We hope you are able to join us and help the community!! For any additional questions, please email"

The HOSA Officer Board could not be more excited to kick off the new school year with a dedicated focus on not only the blood drive but also the upcoming months of the club!!

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