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1. Extemporaneous Health Poster

District Level: Yes

improve their ability to analyze and interpret current health and HOSA-related issues and express and communicate this interpretation through the development of a poster 

2. Extemporaneous Writing

District Level: Yes

improve their ability to express themselves in writing 

3. Job Seeking Skills

District Level: Yes

develop and/or refine the skills necessary to apply for and obtain employment 

4. Prepared Speaking

District Level: Yes

improve their skills in speaking and their ability to organize and present facts (or information) about a topic which is related to a specific theme 

5. Researched Persuasive Writing and Speaking

District Level: Yes

improve their skills in researching a health issue, preparing written documentation supporting a thesis, and presenting information orally 

6. Interviewing Skills (Special Needs)

State & National Level Only

develop and/or refine the skills necessary to apply for and obtain employment 

7. Speaking Skills (Special Needs)

State & National Level Only

improve their skills in speaking and their ability to organize and present facts (or information) about a topic which is related to a specific theme 

8. Health Career Photography

District Level: Yes

analyze different health careers through the use of digital photography, and to use technology in editing and presenting digital pictures 

9. Healthy Lifestyle

District Level: Yes - Test Online, Interview Onsite

opportunity to learn healthy living concepts and apply their learning to a personal healthy lifestyle goal 

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1. Biomedical Laboratory Science

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in medical laboratory and biotechnology careers 

2. Clinical Nursing

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in clinical nursing 

3. Clinical Specialty

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in a selected health profession 

4. Dental Science

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in dental careers 

5. Home Health Aide

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills as a home health aide 

6. Medical Assisting

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills as a medical assistant 

7. Nursing Assisting

District Level: Yes - Test

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in nursing assisting 

8. Personal Care (Special Needs)

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in nursing assisting 

9. Pharmacy Science

State & National Level Only

provide HOSA members with an opportunity to develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in pharmacy careers

10. Physical Therapy

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge

and skills in the area of physical therapy 

11. Sports Medicine

District Level: Yes - Test

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in the area of sports medicine 

12. Veterinary Science

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in veterinary care 

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1. Dental Terminology

State & National Level Only

improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the terminology and language common to all dental careers and specialties in the health community 

2. Medical Spelling

State & National Level Only

improve their ability to define and spell terms associated with careers in the health community 

3. Medical Terminology

District Level: Yes

improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the

prefixes, suffixes, roots and anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and occupations related

to the health community 

4. Medical Math

District Level: Yes

improve their ability to identify, solve, and apply mathematical principles involving temperature, weights, and measures used in the health community 

5. Medical Reading

State & National Level Only

improve their reading comprehension and understanding of special topics related to leadership development and the health community 

6. Knowledge Test - Human Growth & Development

District Level: Yes

explore and learn about the stages of human growth and development, including the biophysical, mental/cognitive, social, and emotional development in the health community 

7. Knowledge Test - Nutrition

District Level: Yes

explore and learn about the relationship of nutrition and wellness and to assess knowledge common in the health community 

8. Knowledge Test - Pharmacology

State & National Level Only

improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the principles and science common to pharmacology in the health community 

9. Knowledge Test - Pathophysiology

State & National Level Only

improve their ability to identify, spell, define and apply the prefixes, suffixes, roots, anatomy and physiology of human diseases impacting the health community 

10. Knowledge Test - Transcultural Health Care

State & National Level Only

explore and learn about the importance of cultural competence for the promotion of health, the prevention and treatment of diseases and disorders, and the support of those in a diverse health community 

11. Knowledge Test - Medical Law & Ethics

State & National Level Only

explore and learn about medical law and ethics and to assess knowledge common in the health community 

12. Knowledge Test - Behavioral Health

State & National Level Only

explore and learn about the promotion of mental health, resilience and well-being; the prevention and treatment of mental and substance use disorders; and the support of those who are in recovery, their families and the health community

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1. Community Awareness

State & National Level Only

  1. Develop a project to promote community awareness using health and/or safety issues

    that may be of local, state, and/or national interest.

  2. Assist communities to become more aware of the pros and cons of the health and/or

    safety issue selected.

  3. Promote goodwill and public relations for local HOSA chapters.

  4. Evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the project on the community. 

2. Creative Problem Solving

District Level: Yes

analyze the problem solving process and to work as a team to apply their problem solving skills in creating a solution to a hypothetical health or HOSA-related problem 

3. Forensic Science

State & National Level Only

analyze careers in forensic medicine and to work as a team to apply their knowledge and skills in creating a solution to a forensic medicine-related problem 

4. HOSA Bowl

District Level: Yes

participate in teams and to test their knowledge on various topics and situations in health, HOSA, and parliamentary procedure 

5. Parliamentary Procedure

State & National Level Only

develop leadership skills in HOSA members by using parliamentary procedure to conduct a simulated business meeting 

6. Health Career Display

District Level: Yes

improve their ability to present themselves and communicate career information to others 

7. Biomedical Debate

State & National Level Only

research the pros and cons of a biomedical issue, and showcase those skills in a debate-like format 

9. Public Service Announcement

State & National Level Only

analyze the general public’s understanding of a health issue, and to use technology to produce a public service announcement that informs the community about an important health issue 

8. Health Education

State & National Level Only

work as a team to plan and teach health-related concepts 

10. Original Medical Innovation

State & National Level Only

create an original medical innovation that is certain to have a dramatic impact on the future of health and or the delivery of healthcare, and to share their innovation understanding and outcomes with others 

11. Existing Medical Innovation

State & National Level Only

improve upon, modify, or update an existing medical innovation that is certain to have a dramatic impact on the future of health and or the delivery of healthcare, and to share their innovation understanding and outcomes with others 

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1. CPR/First Aid

District Level: Yes - Test

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in team first aid and basic life support for health providers 

2. MRC Partnership

State & National Level Only

initiate and/or grow a partnership between HOSA and a local Medical Reserve Corps unit 

3. Public Health

State & National Level Only

encourage HOSA members to work as a team to plan and teach others in their community

about public health initiatives 

4. Epidemiology

State & National Level Only

encourage HOSA members to study the effects of health and disease in populations, to improve their scientific literacy, and to provide insights into public health careers 

5. CERT Skills

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills they will need to respond to their community’s immediate needs in the aftermath of a disaster, when emergency services are not immediately available 

6. Emergency Medical Technician

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills as a team in emergency medical care 


7. Life Support Skills (Special Needs)

State & National Level Only

develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic life support for health care providers 


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*not regular competitive events

1. Outstanding HOSA Chapter

State & National Level Only

encourage local HOSA chapters to achieve the goals of HOSA by implementing a plan of work with a focus on the development of leadership skills, career opportunities, and service learning among chapter members, and to document their achievements in the form of a chapter scrapbook 

2. Outstanding HOSA Achievement

State & National Level Only

recognize chartered associations for their special achievements, projects, events, and activities that are completed by and unique to individual chartered associations 

3. Healthcare Issues Exam

State & National Level Only

investigate, analyze and apply their knowledge of current health related issues 

4. HOSA Service Project

State & National Level Only

provide community service through the adoption of goals and implementation of strategies related to the support of a health organization

5. Barbara James Service Award

State & National Level Only

encourage HOSA members to become contributing members of their communities by performing worthy volunteer community service hours related to health 

6. Outstanding HOSA Leader

State & National Level Only

honor one Outstanding State Leader from each HOSA state association in recognition of the member’s commitment to HOSA and outstanding leadership of his/her state association 


7. HOSA Happenings

State & National Level Only

communicate information about the HOSA chapter in a manner that celebrates the chapter members and their achievements, as well as shares information with readers that is health related 


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