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North Meck HOSA Newsletter

SLC 2018

This past weekend, the North Mecklenburg HOSA Chapter traveled to Greensboro, NC to attend the 2018 State Leadership Conference. Thirteen club members participated in a variety of competitive events to expand their knowledge on healthcare. The experience was abundant with new friendships, one-of-a-kind symposiums, and valuable information for the future.

Members competed from March 22nd to 23rd and attended the Grand Awards Session on March 24th. A special shoutout goes to Nishitha Karumuri and Payton Downey for advancing to round two in their respective events. Mikaila Thompson and Alexis Bowland placed 6th in Extemporaneous Health Poster and Human Growth and Development. Haley Bowland and Sara O'Brien captured first in Health Career Photography and Epidemiology. Haley and Sara will have the opportunity to travel to Dallas, TX to compete at the International Leadership Conference from June 27th to 30th.

North Mecklenburg was also recognized for our success in our American Red Cross and Community Blood Center of the Carolinas blood drives. Chapter president, Nishitha Karumuri, received special recognition for her outstanding commitment to volunteering at Novant. The website and newsletter were submitted to HOSA Happenings and met all the criteria to qualify for a certificate of achievement. Lastly, North Meckleburg HOSA was given the honor to be a Gold Star Chapter. The 2018 SLC was an unforgettable experience and we are so proud of the performance of all attendees. Without the dedication and support of our members, we never would have been able to make it this far.

We are immensely proud of the growth we have seen in the North Mecklenburg HOSA Chapter throughout this 2017-2018 season. With this only being our second year as a chapter, we have many ideas in store for how we can improve in the years to come. As we continue to grow our club, we look forward to the opportunities this club can provide to all students at North Mecklenburg who share our passion for healthcare, the community, and the future. The competitive season is coming to a close, but our chapter will continue to engage in community activities with the upcoming A.L.S. bake sale. We look forward to seeing all members at our end-of-year banquet as we acknowledge our achievements for the 2017-2018 season and award our seniors with graduation cords.

See you next year, SLC!

Sara O'Brien is pictured in the middle.

Haley Bowland is pictured on the left.

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